《送行者》是關懷生死議題的知名電影,藉由與「死亡」的睹面相逢,彰顯對生命的終極關懷,是極具探討價值的生命教育題材。《納棺夫日記》正是其原著小說。本文以《納棺夫日記》與《送行者》為文本,由死亡書寫與生死意象,探討其生死觀點與對生命教育的啟發。人們視納棺師為「污穢」、「賤業」,但弔詭的是最終仍須仰賴他們,為家人與自己的「人生最後旅程」送行。生命教育應正視與改變的即是人們對「死亡」的禁忌,以及將和「死亡」相關的工作者視為「穢」的歧視傳統。納棺師看盡人間百態、生死離合,小說與電影文本二者有著同樣的關懷,但也有差異性。《納棺夫日記》安頓生死於「不可思議的之光」,《送行者》則肯定生命的莊嚴來自於「倫理之愛」。 Departures is a film well-known for the care about life and death issues. It uses the encounter with “death” to reflect the ultimate care for life, and is a theme of life education with a high value for exploration. Coffinman's Diary is exactly the original novel of this film. This study selected Coffinman's Diaryand Departures as the research materials, and investigated their life and death perspectives and how they inspire life education based on the death writing and life and death image. Coffinman is regarded as a “dirty” and “vulgar” occupation. However, ironically, everyone eventually has to rely on coffinmen to help family and himself/herself to complete the “last journey of life.” All professions deserve equal respect, life education should face squarely and change people's taboo against “death” and the tradition of “despising” workers associated with “death.” Coffinmen witness vicissitudes of life, life, death, departure, and reunion. Both the novel and film text show the same care, but there are also difference between them. Coffinman's Diary concludes that life and death are “incredible light,” while Departures affirms that the solemnity of life originates from “ethical love.”