本文內容主要有四大部分。首先,定義民粹主義是一個薄形的意識形態,並且是種特別的政治溝通形式。其次,呈現法蘭德斯集團(或利益)黨的反移民論述與事例。再者,探討法蘭德斯集團(或利益)黨受「防疫線」影響,導致政黨的發展與衰退,以及「防疫線」所產生的弔詭現象。最後,針對法蘭德斯利益黨在2019年選舉中,如何突破「防疫線」30年的孤立,在政黨走下坡後的趨勢中再度崛起,提供分析觀點。 This paper is structured into four main sections. First, populism is defined as a ‘thin’ ideology and a specific political communication style. Populist radical right party is a populism combined with radical right party to adopt positions on anti-immigration. Second, it presents anti-immigrant theme of VB (Vlaams Blok later renamed Vlaams Belang) through discourse. Third, it demonstrates that the positive and negative effects of the rise of the VB are partly shared by the fact that has been excluded from power by means of a cordon sanitaire. Finally, it provides an analysis of how to explain the return of Vlaams Belang, isolated for the past three decades from the political mainstream.