自20 世紀60 年代起,不少西歐國家在面對國內多樣性的族群、文化、語言和宗教差異,先後採行了主張尊重差異、追求不同文化並存的多元文化主義政策(multicultural policies),也成功建立了民主、開放的多元文化社會。然而,隨著近年來移民持續大量流向歐洲所引起的經濟、社會和安全問題,各接受國內部族群關係漸形緊張,不少歐盟國家因而開始緊縮移民政策,部分甚至質疑「多元文化」存在的價值。這種發展趨勢,不僅與歐盟一向提倡的「包容性」特色背道而馳,亦不符合歐盟欲促成進一步整合的期望。為此,本文意欲探討多元文化主義在二戰之後廣為歐洲民主國家接受的原因,以及近年來因大量移民而引發的經濟、社會和安全議題對於多元文化主義造成的衝擊,最後則以荷蘭移民政策的變革說明多元文化主義在歐洲的發展前景及所面對的挑戰。 From the 1960s onwards, several Western European states have adopted policies of multiculturalism to deal with challenges resulting from ethnic, cultural, language, and religious diversities. While the past decade has seen the retreat of multiculturalism in many immigrant-receiving European countries as there were growing perceptions of immigrants as a threat to societal and economic security ever since the 911 Terrorist Attack and 2008 Global Financial Crisis. This has led most of the European countries to choose a more restrictive immigration policy. However, the trend against multiculturalism has been contrary to traditional European values as the European Union itself has made significant efforts to manage the diversity among and within its Member States. This paper discusses the rise and fall of Multiculturalism in Europe and its implications to the European integration. The first part provides definitions of multiculturalism and explains why the European countries have adopted policies of multiculturalism. It then investigates factors for the recent backlash against multiculturalism in Europe and uses the case of the Netherlands' tighten of immigration policy to illustrate such a change. Finally, this paper concludes with the argument that the embracement of multiculturalism will be of crucial importance for the future process of European integration.
全球化與多元文化學報/Journal of Globalization and Multicultralism 3期 pp.33-51