澄清湖風景區為全台知名觀光景點,然而近期遊客人數逐年下滑。對於擁有良好區位及自然資源的澄清湖而言,實為可惜。因此,本研究試圖以旅遊行為觀點探討遊客對澄清湖觀光意象與重遊意願方面之研究,期望藉由調查了解遊客觀光意象的認知,了解遊客對當地,藉此發現缺失所在並進行建議與改善;同時,本研究已於民國104年1月至民國104年2月進行調查,取得有效問卷150份。本研究結果如下:(1)部分遊客背景變項在觀光意象與重遊意願達顯著性差異。(2)觀光意象與重遊意願具高度顯著性正相關。根據上述,本研究建議澄清湖風景區可以增設教育及學術性質之設備與鄰近縣市學校進行教學合作。同時配合鄰近之生態景點,協同做生態保育及解說教育,以提昇旅遊服務品質。 Chengcing Lake Scenic Area is the well-known tourist attraction with a high-grade location and natural resources in Taiwan. However, it had been declined a great number of visitors by annual year. Hence, in order to ameliorate the quality for Chengcing Lake Scenic Area, the study aimed at exploring tourists’ perceptions on tourism image and revisiting intention by means of the perspective of traveling behaviors; moreover, the correlation of two variables would be analyzed in this study as well. This study had explored for 3 months and surveyed 150 valid questionnaires. Accordingly, the major findings are: 1) Partial demographic variables are significantly differentiated with tourism image and revisiting intention. 2) It is significantly correlated with tourism image and revisiting intention. Based on the above statements, the researchers suggest that it could cooperate with academic institutions and develop the collaborative teaching for learners through related activities of ecological preservation and interpretation education for the future development and enhancing the traveling quality.
休閒運動保健學報/Journal of Recreation Sport and Health Promotion 9期 pp.25-35