組織心理學於餐旅產業之重要性已成為顯學;爰此,本研究旨在探討國際觀光旅館從業人員組織氣候、情緒勞務與犬儒主義之互依關係與重要性;另一方面,研究者逐漸藉由跨層次分析模式探討不同系絡因素對個體行為的影響,而其中最為研究者注意的分析方法為層級線性模式。研究結果發現:一、組織氣候對犬儒主義有顯著正向的直接影響效果,且有效解釋犬儒主義之變異;二、組織氣候不僅具有直接影響效果,還扮演調節效果角色;其中,人際關係及開放系統在情緒勞務對犬儒主義的影響關係中存在正向調節效果。 Organizaitonal pychology has been the noted application for hospitality industry. Therefore, this study aims at exploring the relationship and significance among organizational climate, emotional labor, and cynicism for the employees of international tourist hotels via multilevel analysis. The findings are cited as follows: (1) Organizaitonal climate variable significantly positive and direct influences cynicism. (2) The mediating effect of organizational climate between emotional labor and cynicism is significant.
運動休閒餐旅研究/Journal of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Research 10卷4期 pp.24-43