本研究旨在嘗試以縱貫性研究取向,探討負向標籤及偏差行為經驗與國中學生偏差行為發生之因果關聯性。本研究之縱貫性資料取自嘉義地區六所國民中學的370名學生,並以描述統計、皮爾森積差相關、巢式迴歸模型等統計技術方法進行資料處理與分析。主要研究結果發現:(一)國中學生之前期同儕負向標籤及前期偏差行為對中期偏差行為具影響力;(二)國中生偏差行為的發生主要受到先前偏差行為經驗所影響。此結果支持標籤理論之主張,國中學生可能會符應先前重要他人負向標籤的烙印而衍生出後續的偏差行為,並進而導致更進一步的偏差行為發生;再者,相較於發生時點較早之偏差行為經驗,發生時點較近之偏差行為經驗方對其後偏差行為的發生具影響力。 This study primarily discussed the correlations among labeling, deviant experience, and junior high schools students' delinquency. Based on a longitudinal sample, this study used self-report questionnaires to collect data from 8 junior high schools in Chiayi area. The panel data consisted of 370 students. In this study, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and nets regression analysis were used to analyze the collected data. Findings of research indicated:(1)the prior negative labels drawn from a respondent's peers and his/her deviant experiences have significant effects on later delinquency;(2)the prior deviant experiences have significant effects on later adolescence delinquency. The results theoretically support labeling theory. Policy implications have been further discussed in final.