大陸報業從1992年加速報業商業化進程後,多數黨報紛紛實施變革,其中北京青年報堪稱是「先行者」。本文試圖從制度變遷理論的觀點,分析北京青年報在經營制度、編採制度以及所有制上的變革,論證該報如何從過去「對象報」逐漸轉變成為「黨營傳媒公司」。本文也認為北京青年報的變革走向,體現了未來大陸黨報轉型。 Since 1992, the commercialization of Communist China's news media has been getting momentum. Party newspapers raced for series of institutional reform, and Beijing Youth Daily is the most obvious pathfinder. This paper, applying an institutional change approach, tries to explore Beijing Youth Daily's management, editorial, and ownership reform, and points out that through the commercialization process, Beijing Youth Daily has been transformed successfully from an organ of ”target press” to ”party-run media incorporation”. This paper concludes that the experiences learned by Beijing Youth Daily may, in the following days, set themselves as role models for other party media.