本研究探討各國的經濟資源對於奧運獎牌的影響,分析這些國家的經濟資源與歷屆奧運獎牌數總和的關係,並建立奧運獎牌數之預測模型,且以2008年北京奧運為預測對象,驗證模型建立的準確度。投入的變項包括人口數、平均每人國民生產毛額、國內生產毛額與主辦奧運次數等,經多元迴歸分析結果發現,國內生產毛額與主辦國次數會影響奧運獎牌數,但在預估2008年的獎牌數上各國差距不一,結論為社會經濟變項能解釋部分的奧運獎牌數。 This study was attempted to explore the relationship of Olympic medals and the country's economic resources. The purpose of it was to construct a prediction model of Olympic medals, to forecast the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and to verify the model accuracy. Input variables, including population, per capita gross national product, gross domestic product and the frequency of hosting the Olympic Games. The multiple regression analysis revealed that gross domestic product and the host country will affect the number of Olympic medals, but there were estimated bias in difference countries on the number of medals in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The conclusion of this study was that the socioeconomic variables can explain part of the Olympic medals.