本研究的目的是利用概化理論推估羽球反手短發球的試做次數與計分方式,再由信度係數來選取羽球反手短發球「最佳」試做次數與「合理」計分方式。由國立體院89學年度下學期修習羽球課同學為受試者,共133位。每位受試者反手短發十球於設計好的目標區中,由GENOVA程式(Crick & Brennan,1983)進行各受試者每次發球得分的資料分析。研究結果發現,羽球反手短發球測驗在試做次數上以試做25次為最佳,在計分方式上以三分計分為最合理。由概化理論可評估羽球反手短發球測驗。 The purpose of this study was to evaluate the best trials and the fitness of scaling in the badminton backhand serve test by Generalizability Theory. Subjects were 133 college students who learned badminton course in half academic year. Subjects were requested to serve 10 shuttles over the net and to land it close to the front corners of the target zone. GENOVA (Crick & Brennan,1983) was used to analyze the data. We could use reliability coefficients to estimate the best trials and the fitness of scaling from analysis of GENOVA . The results were as follows: the best trials was 25 times and the fitness of scaling was third . Generalizability Theory could evaluate the badminton backhand serve test.
體育學報/Bulletin of Physical Education 32期 pp.289-298