2020年1月30日是傳統台美中三邊關係出現變化的一個關鍵時間點,因為源自武漢市的新型冠狀病毒肺炎(novel coronavirus pneumonia or COVID-19)被世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)判定為「引起國際關注之緊急公共衛生事件」(Public Health Emergency of International Concern, PHEIC),從而凸顯出台北當局與北京當局在公衛治理上的極大差異,以及在跨界傳染性疫病此種非傳統安全威脅下,台北和北京哪一方更加符合美國的安全與利益。本文發現,台灣的執政者在COVID-19疫情爆發後有機會轉換往昔受制於「身分」的守勢外交,透過自身在防疫上的優異表現去改善過往較不利於己的三方互動,甚至讓台灣成為具有攻勢價值的美國盟友。不過,本文也發現,無論台灣是否因為疫情這項因素而在公衛治理領域獲得權力的增加或與美國互動關係之提升,在三邊關係的物質結構未發生重大改變以前,台灣沒有操作社會建構論的政策空間,應該遵循結構現實主義,在三邊關係中選擇「遙遠的」強權來制衡「鄰近的」威脅,才是較有利於台灣人民安全之理性選擇。 Since its origin in the late 1970s, offense-defense theory has yet provided clear causal logic and empirical studies over how demestic politics affect the offense-defense balance. This article tries to approach this gap by studying the Cross-Taiwan Strait confrontation and argues that, modern military technologies of precision guided munitions favor offensive in terms of striking oppont's economy assets. Nonetheless, given the unwillingness of the general publics to suffer from military conflict, mutual assured destruction of conventional weapons established. Thus, modern military technologies favor defensive across the Taiwan Strait because of this low moral and thus stabilize the Cross-Strait Relations.