摘要: | 臺灣的大學教育問題叢生,相關議題如:學習成效低,學用落差大,畢業即失業,職場起薪低等,論者多不勝舉。教育部為因應大學教育面對的各種挑戰,提出許多應急方案,如新南向、全英語教學、職場實習、跨領域學習、深耕地方等等,種種急就章式的政策,仍難力挽大學教育的頹勢。往前看不出坦途何在,何妨乞靈於歷史,因此以唐代科舉考試與任官的跨領域職場歷練與當前教育口號作一對比,期在渾沌不明的局勢中,得以暫時安頓身心。唐代科舉以明經與進士兩科為主,考試內容以儒家經典為範圍,進士加考詩賦雜文,世族子弟以家傳經學,報考明經科者較多,且通過率甚高。考試引導學習方向,容易通過的科目,自是士子群趨的鵠的。但是通過考試與任官職事之間,還是有相當大的差距,學用落差的問題與終身學習的需求,似乎古今皆然。本文不討論經學、義理、學派,僅以與科舉考試有關之育才政策、考試方法、考試題目、終生跨領域學習做為探討內容。 There are many problems with university education in Taiwan, such as low learning effectiveness, sizable gaps between academic and pragmatic goals, consequent unemployment after graduation, low starting salary in the workplace. In response to the various challenges faced by university education, the Ministry of Education has proposed numerous initiatives: new southbound policy, all-English teaching, workplace internships, cross-field learning, deep cultivation of local places, which altogether are still unlikely to save university education. With no specific effective policies ahead, why not look at the past-the imperial examinations and the cross-field career experience of the Tang Dynasty, to temporarily settle down in the current chaotic situation. The imperial examinations of the Tang dynasty included Ming Jing and Jinshi subjects. The content of the examination was about the Confucian classics. Jinshi tests included poems and essays as well. Many aristocratic children studied the family classics and applied for Mingjing subjects, whose passing rate was very high. Exam guides the learning direction, and many people tried their best to pass the test. However, there continued to be a considerable gap between passing examinations and being an official. The gap between test and pragmatic need and the demand for lifelong learning seemed to be the same in ancient and modern times. This article does not address Confucian classics, philosophical principles, and schools, but focuses on education policies, test methods, test questions, and lifelong cross-field learning related to imperial examinations. |