傳統中華文化透過父慈子孝維繫家庭倫常,藉以修身、齊家、治國以求天下太平。因此,過往私塾、書院以《三字經》、《弟子規》與《孝經》教授孝道觀念,也要求學子在日常生活中落實孝悌,並且舉辦如釋奠之禮的祭祀活動,藉此帶動為人子女者對於父母親應盡養生送死之孝行。然時代變遷,傳統孝道著重厚葬久喪,已與現代社會提倡環保節葬的思維有所衝突,為了避免「以死傷生」,所以,探究子女與父母雙方都能「心安」的送終新孝道觀。本文以父母對於子女為其送終行孝的期待進行研究,發現父母們覺得(1)不忍要求子女送終等同盡孝、(2)盡孝在於自身不奢望子女、(3)孝的前提在於了解父母心意、(4)親子之愛能跨越死亡而延續。故總結並提出建議(1)送終禮儀應做權變、(2)送終應以敬愛做為內涵、(3)孝道在於將心比心、(4)送終盡孝重心翼而非排長。 Traditional Chinese culture maintains family order through the love of parents and the filial piety of children. Therefore, in the past, the private schools let the children know that they must take care of their parents. In the future, they must also take responsibility for holding funerals for parents. However, when the times have been different from the past, the traditional concept of filial piety has conflicted with the modern society's idea of promoting environmental burial. To safeguard the rights of the dead and the living, we must study the new filial piety to let children practice in the funeral of parents. From the perspective of parents, the elders think that:(1) It is too hard for children to fulfill their filial piety through funeral.(2) Parents do not expect their children to be filial, but believe that it is necessary to arrange the funeral plan in advance by individual.(3) Children should understand and follow the wishes of their parents,(4) The love between parents and children can always continue to exist without being affected by death.