本研究的目的是在越南酒店的背景下檢驗人為因素對績效和服務質量的影響。通過應用定量方法進行研究,本研究結果顯示了目前越南360酒店越南工人的現狀。除了調查獎勵和同事對工作滿意度的影響外,該研究還探討了兩種中介效應:部分中介溝通(關於領導與績效之間的關係)和完善的中介績效(關於工作滿意度與服務質量之間的關係)。此外,還發現了兩位主持人:授權(領導與績效之間)和培訓(績效與服務質量之間)。這項研究不僅有助於研究人力資源管理,還有助於酒店管理,尤其是在缺乏此類研究的越南。 This research is implemented with the purpose of examining the effects of human-related factors on performance and service quality, in the context of Vietnam hotels. By applying quantitative method to research, this research finding shows the current situation of 360 Vietnamese worker in Vietnam hotels now. Along with investigating the influence of reward and co-workers on job satisfaction, the research also explored two mediating effect: partial mediator communication (on the relationship between leadership and performance) and perfect mediator performance (on the relationship between job satisfaction and service quality). Furthermore, two moderators were also found: empowerment (between leadership and performance) and training (between performance and service quality). This research contributes to the studies of not only human resource management but also hospitality management, especially in Vietnam where such research is lacking.