由於柬埔寨人傾向於開始在互聯網上學習,本研究旨在探討相關構念間之互動關係。本研究採用創新科技,科技接受模型,價值增加模型及自我決定理論,並以主觀規範及感知覺風險作為調節效應來探討員工線上學習。本研究採取問卷調查,本研究適過個別報名及電子郵件共收集369位消費者之意見進行分析。研究之結果發現以上提到的三種理論具有相互關係,並間受到主觀規範和感知風險的調節。使用者在進行學習時,必須注意線上學習之重要性,而網站與應用程式的開發者應該考慮系統及網路的可靠性,知識的方便來吸引更多用戶使用。 Due to Cambodian tends to start to learn on the internet, this research aims to study the interrelationship between each research construct by using technology innovation, Technology Adoption Model (TAM), Value-based Adoption Model (VAM) and Self-Determination Theory (SDT) to determine the behavioral intention of the user in e-learning with subjective norm and perceived risk as the moderation effect. This study is conducted by using the quantitative method of surveying the questionnaire through the social application and e-mail with a total of 369 respondents who get employed in Cambodia. The results found that there is a relationship between the three theories that mentioned which had moderated affect by the subjective norm and perceived risk. It suggests the users need to be aware of the essential of studying on e-learning to adapt with the modern era while the developer of website and application should consider about the reliable system, accurate knowledge, and convenience way to attract the more user to use theirs.