摘要: | 在醫學發達的時代,現代的人都越來越長壽,老年人口持續快速地上升,同時又受到低出生率少子化的影響,台灣已逐漸邁入了高齡社會。 隨著資訊科技的發展和進步,提高了人們的物質生活,卻造成人與人之間少了面對面的溝通互動,疏離感也越來越嚴重。繁忙的社會,由於工作上的忙碌以及生活的壓力,子女們因而疏於照顧家中的高齡者,再加上家庭結構的改變與孝道觀念的式微、對於下一代的過度溺愛,人們開始把高齡者當成是負擔,甚至發生棄養父母、弒父弒母等逆倫的事件,繼而釀成社會的動盪,令人心寒不已。 為了符合現代家庭的需求,傳統孝道勢必也得因應社會的變遷而作出調整,讓高齡者體認到孝順不再是權威性地要求子女的絕對服從,並可以試著把生活的重心轉移到自我成長方面,讓自己的晚年生活能夠活得更自在及有尊嚴。 本研究欲藉由星雲大師(以下內文簡稱大師)對高齡者的關懷及其對孝道的詮釋,進而證明星雲大師孝道觀實踐對當代的價值與意義,並找出契理契機的實踐方法,運用於社會上。希望能讓現代逐漸淡薄的孝道觀重新注入人心,喚醒人們對孝道倫理的重視及省思,建設一個和諧善美的社會。 In an era where medical treatments are developing, the longevity of modern day people are increasing. The population of senior citizens continues to increase rapidly. At the same time, with the decreasing numbers of youths, Taiwan is moving toward societies with increasing numbers of seniors. Although the development and advancement of technology increases the material life of people, it decreased the communication between them, creating the feelings of disconnection in communities. In a society with busy careers and pressure in lives, youths start to disregard the need to take care of seniors. In addition, with the change of structure in the concept of filial piety, along with the decreasing care for next generations, people start to think of seniors as a burden, causing people to abandon the care, or even leading to the murder of parents. This continues to cause unstability within societies, leaving people bitterly disappointed. The traditions of filial piety has to change with the pace of society in order to fit in with the needs of modern families, letting seniors understand that filial piety is not something that can be forced on the next generation. Instead, to focus more on self improvement and let them live in dignity in their latter part of life. This research uses Venerable Master Hsing Yun's comments on the care and filial piety towards seniors, then explains the importance of practicing filial piety, and the meaning behind it. Moreover, finding out the way to practice and use it in society. With hopes to slowly let the idea of filial piety re-enter people's minds, waking them up to the importance of the idea, creating a society with wholesomeness and harmony. |