摘要: | 駁二藝術特區為結合各種展覽、裝置藝術及在地文創商品所打造出的文化創意園區,適合闔家遊玩放鬆的好去處。本研究以駁二藝術特區遊客為研究對象,運用KANO二維品質模式探討目的地對遊客的吸引力與重遊意願之影響,想瞭解目的地吸引力是否能正向影響遊客其重遊意願,且探討遊客心中的關鍵品質要素,經參考相關文獻並設計問卷進行發放,回收有效問卷共計276份,研究發現:(1)目的地吸引力僅有「不用買票感受藝術氣息」1項歸類為「魅力品質要素」,「無差異品質要素」則有「展覽多樣化」、「適合各種遊客」等20項,沒有「必須品質要素」、「一維品質要素」及「反轉品質要素」。(2)透過顧客滿意係數矩陣所示,最能增加遊客其滿意度的關鍵品質要素為「大眾運輸及停車方便」及「設施清潔且數量足夠」。(3)不同背景之遊客的目的地吸引力差異化分析,在「性別」、「參訪次數」及「偏好原因」皆有顯著差異。(4)不同背景之遊客其目的地吸引力對重遊意願之預測力,使遊客最想再重遊的品質要素為「適合各種年齡層的遊客」。此外,因女性遊客居多,建議經營者可以展出更多不同主題期間限定店及市集,以鞏固主要客群,若想擴展男性遊客群,可展出男性遊客較喜愛的展覽,如漫威影業展,並於特定節日增設遊客競賽活動,使遊客再次來到駁二藝術特區不只是看展覽,也能讓遊客有新體驗。 The Pier-2 Art Center is the only park in Taiwan that combines various exhibitions, installation art and cultural Creative commodity and creative parks created by local creations. It is a good place to relax and enjoy. This study has adopted Kano two-dimensional quality model to explore the relationship among destination attractions and revisiting intention, and included relevant references to design questionnaires for a further investigation. There are 276 valid questionnaires collected, and the findings are cited as follows: (1) Destination attractions that there were 1 item is classified as Attractive quality, and 20 items are classified as Indifferent quality, and none belongs to the Reverse quality, Must-be quality and One-Dimensional quality. (2) Based on Customer Satisfaction Coefficient analysis, "convenient transportation" and "sufficient public facilities" are the most add to the satisfaction of the tourists. (3) The analyzed result of destination Attractions of tourists with different backgrounds, Significant differences in "gender", "visits" and "preference". (4) The predictive power of tourists with different backgrounds to their destination attraction, The quality factor that makes tourists want to revisit the most is "suitable for tourists of all ages". In addition, due to the majority of female tourists, it is advised that the business operator should show more limited stores and small towns to consolidate the main customer base, if you want to expand the male tourist group, you can show the exhibitions that male tourists like, such as Marvel Film Show, and add tourist competitions at specific festivals, make tourists revisit The Pier-2 Art Center not only view exhibitions but visit small towns, make tourists have anew experience. |