金門地區從戰地轉型為觀光勝地,擁有台灣本島地區所沒有的戰地史蹟,遊客的旅遊經驗分享,就是提供觀光客旅遊參考的重要資訊來源。 本研究目的如下:(1)了解遊客對於金門各戰地史蹟的意象強度。(2)了解遊客對於金門各戰地史蹟的整體看法。(3)對於可行的行銷策略提出建議。 研究結果如下: 本研究選出23個知名度最高的戰地景點作調查,對於「戰地歷史意涵」了解程度最高的是「太武山」、「毋忘在莒」和「古寧頭戰史館」,「具有戰地特色」的前三名為「太武山」、「大膽島」和「翟山坑道」,「重遊意願」前三名為「翟山坑道」、「太武山」和「獅山砲陣地」,而其中「具有戰地特色」與「重遊意願」的相關係數0.66,顯示越具有特色的景點,受訪者重遊意願越高,另外「了解戰地歷史意涵」與「重遊意願」的相關係數0.61,顯示受訪者了解的越多,重遊意願也越高,相對於某些知名度較低的景點,受訪者重遊與推薦意願也偏低,建議政府和遊客可以多多宣傳一些知名度較低的景點,將其背後的故事挖掘出來,吸引遊客的興趣。 This study selected 23 of the most well-known battlefield sites for investigation. The highest level of understanding of "historical history" are "Taiwu Mountain"," Wu Wang Zai Ju Inscription" and " Gu Ning Tou War History Museum " . The top three of "the characteristics of the battlefield" are "Taiwu Mountain", "Bold island" and "Zhaishan Tunnel". The top three "Revisiting Willingness" are Zhaishan Tunnel ,"Taiwu Mountain" and Shishan (Mt. Lion) Howitzer Front. The correlation coefficient between " the characteristics of the battlefield" and "willingness to revisit" is 0.66. It shows that the more distinctive the attractions, the higher the willingness of the respondents to revisit. The correlation coefficient of "Understanding the historical meaning of the battlefield" and "willingness to revisit" is 0.61, indicating that the more the respondents understand, the higher their willingness to revisit. Compared with some less well-known attractions, respondents are less likely to revisit and recommend. It is recommended that the government can promote more low-profile attractions, and explore the stories behind them to attract tourists' interest.