攸關數十萬軍人、公務員、公立學校教師等退休人員的「年金改革」,是近年來引起重大爭議的政策議題。支持者認為,退休年金若不改革將面臨破產的命運,勢必得「多繳、少領、延後退」才能挽救,而且此番退休待遇已經優於許多青年人的薪水,應該知足;反對者則認為,政府不可毀約賴帳、侵害人民的財產權,要改革也不可朔及既往。對此一般大眾的觀感似乎是支持居多,而這似乎也是當今政府少數讓民眾滿意的施政,反對者則被認為是「貪得無饜」。不過,這種對「年金改革」的評價是否無法被扭轉?本文主張,經過淺顯易懂、將心比心的說服與引導,是可以改變民眾的看法,至於無法被說服者,則有其意識型態的偏見。對此,本文將以問卷調查加以驗證。 The "pension reform" of hundreds of thousands of military personnel, civil servants and public school teachers in Taiwan is a policy issue that has caused major controversy in recent years. Proponents believe that the reform is necessary otherwise a bankruptcy will be unavoidable. Still, the reformed pension of these retired governmental employees is still much better than many young peoples salary, so they should be satisfied. Oponents believe that the government can not bilk and violate the peoples property rights, and the reforms should not be etroactive. Nevertheless, the general publics seem to be supportive to the reform, and the opponents are considered to be "greedy." Can this trend be reversed? This article argues that, with proper persuasion and guidance, it is possible to change the views of the people. As for those who cannot be persuaded, they have their racist anti-Chinese ideology. In this regard, this argument is verified by the questionnaire conducted by this article.