佛陀為教化諸菩薩行,而說《法華經》,而教化的方法,即是本經的重點。《法華經》的教化方法,將佛陀應機施教的善巧,表現無遺。如何能依眾生根機,讓眾生進入佛道,即是本迹二門的施設。如何開設方便,顯示真實法,再由「正直捨方便,但說無上道」即是開會思想的展開。依根機的不同以三周說法、七譬喻來引導眾生邁向佛道。教化的同時,重視弘法者的弘化方法之弘經三軌,與自我規範的四安樂行,作為末世弘經行者實踐依持,此乃本論文研究之所在。 同時,透過上述教化理念的應用,對於現今人間佛教的菩薩行者,提供弘化之善巧,及自我之規範;以四安樂行、弘經三軌,配合星雲大師的「三好」、「佛光四句偈」作為人間佛教弘化者的自我規範。 Sakyamuni Buddha preaches Lotus Sūtra for teaching the bodhisattva paths. The focus of Lotus Sūtra is the methods of preaching. The preaching methods taught in Lotus Sūtra are demonstrations of expedient means through teaching the Dharma according to the learner's aptitude. The establishment of“ Two Aspects of Original and Derivative”(本迹二門, ben ji er men) indicates ways to guide sentient beings to the Way according to their capacities.“The thought of Revealing and Unity”(開會思想, kai hui si xiang) is illustrated by demonstration from expedient means to true reality as stated in Lotus Sūtra “straight forward and even forgo the expediency, hence proceed to divulge forthright the Supreme Way”. According to the capacity of sentient beings, three rounds in the explanation of the dharma and the seven parables were illustrated in Lotus Sūtra to guide sentient beings into the Buddha's Way. This research examines the“Three Principles in Dharma propagation”(弘經三軌, hong jing san gui) in terms of the preaching methods of Dharma propagators, as well as the self-refining“Four Means in Attaining Peace”(四安樂行, si an le xing), as both provide guidance to cultivators in the Age of the end of Dharma. Moreover, this paper explores the application of the above preaching principles, to contemporary Humanistic Buddhism Dharma Propagators, as expedient means in Dharma propagation; these principles also establish the standards for self-cultivation. Dharma Propagators of Humanistic Buddhism associate the Four Means of Attaining Peace and“Three Principles in Dharma Propagation”with Venerable Master Hsing Yun's advocacy of “Three Acts of Goodness and Buddha's Light Verse ”as the standard for cultivation.