摘要: | 本研究探討一貫道寶光崇正道場已故前人陳三龍的修行生命史,透過訪談道場相關人員及文獻蒐集分析,爬梳其修道歷程與涵養,藉此管窺當代台灣一貫道前人的修行。在第二、三、四章分別論述陳三龍的生平、修辦道探討以及其對寶光崇正的貢獻所示現之德性,並從中釐清其對寶光崇正的影響。首先,陳三龍與寶光崇正的因緣,從陳氏青年時期到臺北得道,接觸到一貫道台灣樞紐陳文祥啟迪與陪伴,回到家鄉臺中白手起家開展道場,從新道親到壇主人才到提升為點傳師。而對寶光崇正道場的修辦實踐,其以大孝大勇無畏難的精神書寫生命,憑此建構一貫道用儒家以「家」為思想的倫理觀念。於陳文祥歸空後,一心為天命命脈者黃世妍的慧命亘續綿延捍衛到底,存著「寧為道統家奴婢,不為旁流家宗子」為座右銘,證實在天命領導下的道場是得以持續永傳的成長。更在剩餘的生命中建立人才培育制度、編制道場的教材,建立寶光崇正後來七年教育體制先驅。陳三龍用生命史串起孝悌、誠信、佈施的德範意涵,他的精神足以傳遞一貫道修辦者的典範與價值。 This study is to discuss the cultivation history of Chen San-Long, who is the late predecessor of Baoguang Chongzheng, I-Kuan Tao. Through interviewing releated personnel and analyzing literature to organize his propagating the Dao and self-cultivation then to see predecessors of I-Kuan Tao in contemporary Taiwan. In the chapter two, three, and four of the main body, the thesis evolves from Chen's life, religious practices and his contribution to Baoguang Chongzheng. First of all, for the relationship between Chen San-Long and Baoguang Chongzheng, from Chen's youth to Taipei, received the Dao and enlightened and accompanied by Chen Wen-Xiang who was Taiwan's hub, returned to his hometown, Taichung, in the beginning stage of I-Kuan-Tao's spread to Taiwan from a new comer, a tanzhu (壇主) to a Master (dianchuan shi 點傳師). Chen San-Long wrote his life in a spirit of great filial piety, courage and fearlessness based on this, he constructed the important ethical notion of Confucianism, "home". After Chen Wen-Xiang passed away, he was very dedicated to defending the orthodoxy of the Dao and had the spirit of "rather be a slave to propagate the Dao, than be a dandy of heresies"and proved that the Dao under the leadership of Holy mission is able to continue to grow forever. In the rest of his life, he established a cultivation system for new comers and edited education materials for the Dao Center to set up a pioneer in the seven-year education system of Baoguang Chongzheng. Chen San-Long used his life to connect morality of filial piety, integrity and alms giving. His spirit is abundant enough to lead as the example of I-Kuan Tao devotees. |