再生骨材可用來描述可用於建築之經過絞碎之營建廢棄物,材料來源於混凝土或瀝青回收而來。2000年以後,混凝土業已開始在營建混凝土中 中使用拆建廢料。由於拆除舊建築物可得到再生骨材,減少了購置骨料的費用,減少其碳足跡,從而永續發展。 本研究採用來自台灣雲林斗六的營建廢棄物,透過實驗證明以再生骨材代替天然粗骨料的可行性。再生骨材代替天然粗骨料之重量含量為0%,10%,20%,30%,40%和50%,再以飛灰、矽砂及水泥摻合來製作混凝土圓柱體,並於澆置後28天進行抗壓強度和滲透試驗。試驗結果混凝土的抗壓強度隨著再生骨材含量增加而降低,透水性則隨著再生骨材之增加而增加。同時當以飛灰替代15%水泥, M20 (1:1.5:3) 的混凝土效果最佳,同時建議透水混合物中再生骨材含量20%可以達到所需的強度。 Recycled aggregate is a term used to describe crushed concrete or asphalt from construction debris that is reused in other building projects. Recycled aggregate is produced by crushing concrete, and sometimes asphalt, to reclaim the aggregate. In recent years the concrete industry has started using Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste in structural concrete application owing to the availability of waste from the demolition of old structures and the reduction in the cost of acquiring aggregates. This can allow the concrete industry to reduce its carbon footprint and thus help it to continue to grow without harming the environment. The RCA is sourced from local construction and demolition (C&D) waste in Douliu, Taiwan. This thesis manifests the results of experimental investigations carried out to study the feasibility of using RCA in the concrete making as partial replacement of natural coarse aggregate (NCA). The RCA is used as a partial replacement of natural coarse aggregate (NCA) in pervious concrete at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% by wt. Fly ash and Silica Sand are used as the source material which is partially replaced by cement as the mineral admixture with the replacement of natural coarse aggregate(NCA). The experimental program is conducted to study the mechanical properties(such as compressive strength) and durability properties (such as permeability) of concrete cylinders by using recycled aggregate. Compressive strength of the above pervious concrete is measured at 28 days, while permeability of the above pervious concrete is measured after 28 days of curing specimens. Results show that the compressive strength of pervious concrete decrease with the incorporation of RCA which furthermore decreases with an increase in RCA contents. The measured permeability of pervious concrete gets favorably affected by the incorporation of RCA. It is also observed that the pervious concrete made with M20 (1:1.5:3 ratio) having fly ash as a partial replacement cement with the replacement of 15% gave best results when permeability and compressive strength both were a factor of judgment, experimental results revealed that up to 20% replacement of recycled aggregate in pervious mix can achieve the desired strength and it can be recommended percentage of RCA in the concrete industry.