污水廠收費計價公式包括水質及水量兩個參數,因此每月需進行每家廠商水質取樣,造成成本增加。本研究之目的在於以水量計算生活廢污水收費標準。首先收集台中工業區2016年至2019年廠商每月生活污水之水質資料,分析其平均值、及中位數,找出代表性排放生活污水水質及標準偏差,再計算水質採樣成本,並計算扣除採樣之以水量計價之公式,分析發現,採用水量計價,可以減少採樣成本,降低廠商收費,達到雙贏目的。 Pricing formula of sewage plant charge includes water quality/quantity parameters. Each manufacturer's water quality sampling needs to be conducted every month, and results in increased costs. This study calculated the standard of domestic waste water charges based on water quantity. Firstly, the monthly water quality data of manufacturers in Taichung Industrial Zone from 2016 to 2019 were collected to analyze the average and median value, so as to find the quality and standard deviation of representative sewage water. Secondly, the cost of water quality sampling and the deduction sampling were calculated based on the formula of water price. Results shows that a win-win goal can be achieved by the reduction of sampling cost.