根據研究,搭乘遊覽車未繫安全帶是導致遊覽車發生事故時,嚴重傷亡的主因之一。因此,如何有效宣導乘客在搭乘遊覽車時皆能繫上安全帶是刻不容緩的要務。本研究以恐懼威脅為訴求,設計解說資訊傳遞給遊客,以了解恐懼訴求是否是有效之說服式解說內容。解說資訊陳述內容乃依據平行過程延伸模式(EPPM)設計,並依此製作解說影片。研究利用問卷調查法,針對640名受試者進行調查,並對受試者進行解說影片觀看前後之行為意圖差異比較。研究結果發現,以具有高威脅感知和高效能感知的恐懼訴求解說影片對於提高遊客使用安全帶的行為意圖有顯著效果。此外研究發現,遊客使用安全帶前三名的原因為:自身安全著想、交通法規規定、司機廣播提醒;不使用安全帶的原因前三名為:沒有這個習慣、覺得繫安全帶不舒服、覺得路程很近不需要繫。研究成果提供給政府相關單位、遊覽車業者、教育相關單位,做為未來製作行車安全宣導素材之參考或作為交通安全教育教材使用。 According to research, fail to wear seat belts is one of the main causes of serious injuries and fatalities among the vehicle passengers in the bus crash. Therefore, it is an urgent task of encouraging passengers to wear seat belts when taking on tour bus. In this study, the interpretation information is designed according to the extended parallel process model (EPPM). This study used a questionnaire survey to investigate 640 subjects and compared the variations in behavioral intentions before and after watching the interpretation film. The results found that the information with high-threat perception and high-efficiency perception has a significant effect on improving the passengers' intention to fasten seat belts. In addition, the statistical results show that the reasons for using seat belts are: their own safety considerations, traffic regulations, and bus driver's reminders; the reasons for not using seat belts are: didn't have the habit, considered using seat belts is uncomfortable and inconvenient , or considered that using seat belts is unnessary in the short distance. The result of this study implicates that fear appeal is an effective persuasive strategy to boost passengers fasten seat belts.