本研究旨在探討遊客之人格特質、購物動機與購物效益之關聯性,分析不同背景的遊客人格特質、購物動機對購物效益的影響,本研究採問卷調查法,回收之有效問卷為 349 份,主要以獨立樣本 t 檢定、ANOVA 變異數分析及迴歸分析,驗證本研究假說,結果顯示:1. 不同背景的遊客在人格特質、購物動機與購物效益上有部分顯著差異。2. 遊客人格特質及購物動機對購物效益有部分顯著影響。 研究結果發現,遊客年齡與購物效益成反比,尤其介於21至30歲的單身或未婚者,購物參與的程度較高,建議相關單位可將目標鎖定在此類具備富好奇心,樂於接受新事物之「開放性」人格特質的年輕族群上;遊客人格特質之「嚴謹性」、購物動機與購物效益成正比;可從提升購物效率著手,如:暢通之店內動線、送禮自用兩相宜之精選商品、富新鮮感與吸引力的行銷策略等,將能有效地增進遊客的購物動機與購物效益。 The research aimed at exploring the correlation between personalities, shopping motivation, and purchase benefitsof tourists. How personalities and shopping motivation of tourists influence their purchase benefits will be analyzed with demographic variable. The survey method is based on the questionnaire. It gathered 349 valid responses. The data was analyzed mainly by independent samples t-test, ANOVA analysis, and regression analysis. The empirical study found that: 1. The hypothesis is partially supported that tourists of different backgrounds have significant differences in their personalities, shopping motivation, and purchase benefits. 2. The hypothesis is partially supported that personalities and shopping motivation of tourists have significant influence on their purchase benefits. The findings revealed that ages of tourists are inversely proportional to their purchase benefits. The unmarried tourists at the age from 21 to 30 have a higher degree of shopping involvement. This study suggests young people with the personalities of curiosity and openness to new things could be the target customers of the authorities. The conscientiousness of tourists and their shopping motivation are directly proportional to their purchase benefits. The merchants could start with facilitating shopping efficiency. It will be effective to enhance the shopping motivation and purchase benefits of tourists by designing smooth traffic flow, the qualified products that are suitable for gifts and for personal use, the new and attractive promotion strategies and so on.