本論文旨在探討國小籃球員接受籃球訓練計畫後之學習成效及成果,參與對象為南投縣仁愛鄉某國小四至六年級學童共計十二位球員。研究期程為二十週籃球訓練計畫,計畫分為賽季前、賽季中、賽季後及休息期四項子計畫訓練課表,課表中也排進了心理技能訓練-意象訓練法來提升球場表現,透過籃球訓練計畫除了瞭解球員認知、情意、技能上進步的多寡外,更重要的是希望球員能達到學習內化,最後養成規律運動的好習慣。 本研究採行動研究法,研究工具有體適能前後測、球員學習單、球員訪談、家長訪談或家長書面回答等,透過量化及質性資料來客觀的探討籃球訓練實施概況,而研究者也可藉由球員及家長的回饋來修正、調整訓練課表,本研究經資料分析後,獲致的結論如下: 一、籃球訓練計畫有助於提升認知、情意、技能上的表現。 二、籃球訓練計畫對於球員學習內化有正面效應。 三、籃球訓練計畫漸漸讓球員養成規律運動的習慣。 四、研究者於行動研究過程中獲得專業的成長。 五、此研究計畫可作為教練編擬籃球運動訓練計畫之範本。 This study aims to discuss learning effectiveness and results of the primary school basketball players who received the basketball training program. The subjects in this study includes 12 players from the fourth to the six grade. The duration of the research is 20-week basketball training program and the training schedule is divided into four stages: preseason, midseason, postseason and rest period. Also, the mental skill training "image training" is included in the schedule to improve the players' performance on the field. Besides to understand the players' learning domains for cognitive, affective and skill, it is more important that the players may develop a good habit of regular exercise through the learning internalization. The study is based on action research and the methods contain physical fitness pre-test, posttest, worksheet, player interview and parent interview or written response. The research is applied by both quantitative and qualitative methods to collect object data from the implementation of basketball training. In addition, the researcher may also modify and adjust the training schedule through the feedback from players and parents. The findings of this study are shown below: 1.The basketball training program is helpful to improve the performance of players' cognitive, affective and skill domains. 2.The basketball training program leads to positive effects on players through learning internalization. 3.The basketball training program makes plays develop the habit of regular exercise. 4.The researcher acquires professional growth in the process of the action research. 5.This training program for the research can be applied as a model for coaches to draw up basketball training program.