網路書店是最重要的電子商務型態之一,近年來各國電子商務都朝向跨境服務來達到爭取擴大服務,以增加市場佔有率的目標。臺灣讀者除了可以在臺灣的網路書店購書外,近年來跨境電商發展讓臺灣的讀者有了不同選擇,那就是海外網路書店購書,臺灣宅配取貨。由於受限與語言的障礙,目前海外購書仍以中文書為主,因價格、版權或其他因素,讓許多臺灣讀者開始嘗試在海外購買中文書。目前淘寶網、京東商城、當當網路書店、amazon是臺灣讀者海外購書的主要通路。 本文選擇以科技接受模型建構影響臺灣讀者選擇海外網站購書的因素,並根據文獻新增移轉障礙構面在分析模型中。本研究即是以我國消費者為分析樣本,探討哪些變數是影響讀者使用跨境網路書店的因素,經由問卷收集資料,並進行整體參數校估,其分析結果發現:(1)「易用性」構面會對「有用性」構面有正向的影響(2)「易用性」構面會對「態度」構面有正向的影響(3)「有用性」構面會對「態度」構面有正向的影響(4)「有用性」構面會對「行為意向」構面有正向的影響(5)「態度」構面會對「行為意向」構面有正向的影響(6)「移轉障礙」構面會對「行為意向」構面有負向的影響 透過研究發現「易用性」構面影響「行為意向」構面的總效果為0.73,也是各個構面影響行為意向最重要的變數,故管理單位可思考讓跨境消費者使用其服務時,在操作界面上要做到簡單易懂,此外「移轉障礙」構面會對「行為意向」構面有負向的影響,影響系數為0.14,但管理者須理解,好的服務品質若沒有考慮到消費者的「移轉障礙」,將會降低行銷的效果,故這些研究結論將可供網路書店相關管理者參考。 Online bookstores are one of the most important types of e-commerce. In recent years, e-commerce in various countries has turned to cross-border services to achieve the goal of expanding services and increasing market share. In addition to Taiwanese readers who can buy books in Taiwan's online bookstores, the development of cross-border e-commerce in recent years has given Taiwanese readers a different choice, that is, buying books in overseas online bookstores and picking them up in Taiwan. Due to restrictions and language barriers, Chinese books are still the main source of overseas purchases, and because of price, copyright or other factors, many Taiwanese readers have begun to try to buy Chinese books overseas. Currently, Taobao, JD.com, Dangdang Online Bookstore, and Amazon are the main channels for Taiwan readers to buy books overseas. This article chooses to use the technology acceptance model to construct factors that influence Taiwan readers to choose overseas websites to buy books and adds a transfer barrier dimension to the analysis model based on the literature. The results of the analysis in this paper show that the technology acceptance model can effectively explain the factors that readers choose to buy books abroad, and the research conclusions can be used as a reference for the relevant managers of online bookstores.