摘要: | 在尚未列入《四書》之前,《大學》原為《禮記》的其中一章,而《禮記》則是記載了中華文明中的禮儀和規章制度之大成,此外還涵蓋了儒家修身的道德標準規範,傳達了儒家賢哲們淑世的理想境界。《大學》是禮記中修身成德的次第,經鄭玄、孔穎達和二程先後作注,後於宋代時從《小戴禮記》中獨立成書。今日關於《大學》的理論研究成果漸豐,但多數偏重其中的義理探討,對於實踐的觀察則尚未有較完整的調研紀錄。 本論文立足於宗教學、人類學與社會學等跨學科理論基礎,以一貫道寶光崇正光輝道場為研究群體,進行長期的參與觀察以及對其志工團隊的深度訪談,期能找出《大學》在宗教場域中推廣的意義,以及如何藉由宗教的修行與社會實踐反映道場中《大學》的修行觀;研究方法方面,為了讓受訪志工能生動陳述其主觀經驗並且深入描述生命歷程,論文以質性研究進行,並採用其中的參與觀察以及訪談法。同時考證道場的淵源和發展歷程,將其深入社區服務和社會實踐的過程做一呈現。論文嘗試回答以下三個問題:一、《大學》在宗教場域中推廣的意義;二、《大學》如何反應了一貫道的修行觀;三、道場如何藉由宗教的修行與社會實踐反映出其對《大學》的修行觀。 在結論的部分,針對《大學》歷代作為修身入門經典的意義與價值,筆者總結光輝道場24年以來,如何以大學之道為核心,以教化人心和導正社會善良風氣為使命,將儒家優良傳統文化傳給普羅大眾,大眾又成為團隊志工和幹部,成為最好的傳播者這樣的一個良性循環,光輝道場在穩定後,又懷抱堅強的使命感,響應大陸復興傳統文化政策,西進大陸,持續貫徹「親民、止於至善」的理念至今。 Before enlisted into The Four Books of Confucianism, The Great Learning was just one of the chapters in The Book of Rites, which is the record of the rites and regulations and systems in ancient China. It also covers the standards of moral practices and demonstrates the ideal world of Confucian scholars. The Great Learning is the standard principles of moral practice; it has been annotated by Zheng Xuan, Kong Yingda, and the two brothers of Cheng. During Sung Dynasty, it has been isolated from The Book of Rites. Nowadays, the researches related with theories of the Great Learning has increased gradually, but scholars' emphasis is more concerned with the discussion and illustration of the theories. For the observation and analysis of the practices of the Great Learning, there're still very few related research papers. Based on the theoretical framework of religious studies, anthropology, and sociology, the author conducted a long-term participant observations and in-depth interviews to volunteer workers of Guanghui Branch of Baoguang Chungjeng foundation, which was the research participant. The author tried to find out the meanings of circulating The Great Learning in the religious field, and how the values of practicing The Great Learning was reflected through religious and social practices. In order to let the participants more willingly and actively describe their subjective experiences and chronicle their life stories in-depth, qualitative approach was applied in the research. The origin and history of the foundation were investigated as well, and its development in communities and society were disclosed. The author tried to answer the following questions: 1. What is the meaning of circulating The Great Learning in religious field? 2. How are the core practice values of I-Kuan Tao reflected in The Great Learning? And 3. How does the foundation reflect its practice values through religious practices and social services? In conclusion, based on the virtue and values of a starting classics of Confucianism- the Great Learning, the author summarized how Guanghui branch have been through its 24-year development and practice of the values in teaching and cultivation. The traditional moral values have been cultivating people, and people whom being cultivated become the members of the volunteers. A good cycle has hence formed. Such cycle has now been multiplied in mainland China, because more and more volunteers are going there and start the teaching and cultivation after they settle down in the new place. |