本研究旨在探討父母教養方式與家庭生活幸福感之相關情形,研究對象為佛教福智文教基金會的青少年國中及高中為例。以一般調查方式進行資料蒐集,回收樣本277份,實際有效樣本255份,以SPSS18統計軟體進行統計分析平均數、標準差、百分比、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜相關及迴歸分析。 本研究主要發現如下:1.福智青少年在父親、母親教養類型的評價,以關愛教育最高,其次是監督教養,嚴厲教養最少。2.福智青少年對家庭生活幸福感平均數為中高程度。3.國中與高中福智青少年在父親監督教養、嚴厲教養的得分有顯著差異。4.福智青少年之性別與家庭結構在父親教養方式無顯著差異。5.家庭結構中(雙親、單親與母同住)對母親嚴厲教養有顯著差異。6.福智青少年父親職業對關愛教育有顯著影響。7.福智青少年之學校、性別、家庭結構對家庭生活幸福感無顯著影響。8.福智父親教育程度與父親教養方式無顯著相關。9.福智父親、母親關愛教育對家庭生活幸福感具有正向預測效果;相對的父親、母親嚴厲教養對家庭生活幸福感呈現負向預測效果。 依據研究結果建議;提供家長參考、相關單位、團體及後續研究方向。 The purpose of this research was to explore the correlation between parental rearing styles and well-being of family life. The participants were junior high school and high school students participating in the youth classes of the Bliss and Wisdom Foundation of Cultural and Educational (BWFOCE). 255 valid questionnaires were collected and the data were analyzed with SPSS18 statistical software. The main findings of this research were as follows:1. The participants reported that parenting styles employed by their parents included education with love and care and aristocratic supervision, while authoritarian parenting was least used by parents. 2. The participants expressed median to high levels of satisfaction toward family life. 3. There were significant differences between junior high school and high school students in this study regarding their ratings of fathers' aristocratic supervision and authoritarian parenting. 4. Gender and family structure did not cause significant differences in the participants' ratings of fathers' parenting styles. 5. There were significant differences among participants with different parental marital status regarding authoritarian parenting. 6. The participants did not form a correlation between their fathers' vocations and their love and care for their children. 7. Schooling, gender and family structure did not affect the participants' ratings of the well-being of family life; 8. The results did not find a correlation between fathers' educational levels and their parenting styles.9. Parents' education with love and care positively significantly predicted the participants' ratings of the wellbeing of family life, while authoritarian parenting negatively significantly predicted the participants' ratings of the wellbeing of family life. Suggestions based on the research results were made for parents, organizations and future studies.