背景及目的:護理臨床教師在護生於醫療院所實習時,為重要人物之一,護理臨床教師在有限的時間內提供相關學理知識,並將學校所授課內容和臨床實務技能加以結合應用,且須同時維護病人安全等,對護理臨床教師而言是一大考驗與壓力。故本研究旨在暸解現今護理臨床教師之壓力來源和生活品質現況,並進一步探討兩者間的相關性。暸解護理臨床指導教師工作壓力源與生活品質的整體性,可以讓學校、實習醫療單位、教育部等暸解他們的處境,提供後續學校於教師人力上之安排與指導之依據,適時給予支持、鼓勵,建立良好的教學環境、教學模式及教學品質,以營造優良的護理臨床教學環境。 材料及方法:本研究以受聘於台灣地區公私立大學、技術學院及專科學校之護理臨床教師且6個月內尚於擔任護理臨床教師之責為收案對象,以問卷調查法進行研究。研究工具包含個人基本資料、工作壓力源量表、壓力知覺量表及生活品質量表共四大部分。資料分析以SPSS統計套裝軟體進行統計分析解讀。 結果:本研究結果發現,護理臨床教師整體工作壓力呈現接近中等程度的壓力感受。護理臨床教師壓力知覺與生活品質具有顯著的負相關。護理臨床教師的工作壓力源對壓力知覺及生活品質具有影響力。本研究結果可以提供給學校、實習醫療單位、教育部作為教師人力安排與指導之依據。 Background and Purpose:Clinical nursing preceptors are the keys for students to learn more knowledge and clinical skills in a hospital. This study aims to explore the relationships between the perceived stress of clinical nursing preceptors and their quality of life. Based on the results of this study, recommendations will provide for related government organizations in order to improve clinical nursing preceptors' quality of life. Materials and Methods:This paper focus on clinical nursing preceptor in Taiwan as its subjects, and employed a paper survey. The title of the survey is “A Study of the Relationships between perceived Stress and the qualities of life for clinical nursing preceptors”. The content of the survey is divided into four major parts. The first part contains the personal information of the teacher; the second part contains clinical nursing preceptors' job stress survey; the third part is perceived stress degree, and the fourth part contains quality of life. Regarding the method of data analysis, the statistical software package, SPSS, was adopted to perform as well as inferential statistical analysis. Results: Research results showed that the job stress of the clinical nursing preceptors is average. After the analysis of Person product-moment correlation, it indicates that Preceptors' job stress and perceived stress have the remarkable negative correlation with their quality of life. Based on the results above, several recommendations are offered for educational administrative institutes, clinacil nursing preceptors and medical establishment to understand the future schemes in job stress and quality of life in clinical nursing preceptors.