摘要: | 本研究以中部某環保科技公司廢水處理廠為對象,該公司專門收集高濃度有機廢溶劑,其廢水之水溫介於20.1℃~24.3℃,水質pH值介於8.4~9.8,化學需氧量(COD)含量介於3,670~13,700 mg/L,若以傳統的生物處理無法有效地降低廢水中的化學需氧量。該環保科技公司位於工業區內並於其廠區內設置一座廢水處理廠以處理高濃度COD含量有機廢水,本研究將探討該廢水處理廠各處理單元及處理單元串接對於COD去除率及其相關性分析等,希冀本研究成果能提供給處理廠未來調整操作參數或管理機制的參考。 本廢水處理廠採用高級氧化處理程序(Advanced Oxidation Processes, AOPs),其處理單元主要包含UV/H2O2、三效蒸發法(Triple effect evaporator)及光芬頓法(Photo Fenton),本研究取30天處理前後水樣進行水質分析,分析結果顯示UV/H2O2法對於COD平均去除率約16.45%、三效蒸發法約83.35%及光芬頓法約88.23%。至於處理程序「UV/H2O2結合三效蒸發」法對於COD平均去除率約86.25%、「三效蒸發結合光芬頓」法約98.08%及「UV/H2O2結合三效蒸發及光芬頓」約98.39%。 本實驗發現當綜合廢水中COD含量低於3,700 mg/L以下時以「UV/H2O2結合三效蒸發」法,則處理後廢水中COD含量尚能符合排入工業區汙水下道限值600 mg/L之規定,當廢水中COD含量達13,700 mg/L以上時以「UV/H2O2結合三效蒸發及光芬頓」法,則處理後廢水中COD含量能符合工業區汙水下道限值之規定。 A case study of a wastewater treatment plant in Central Taiwan that used Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) to treat high concentrations of organic wastewater, and its treatment units consisted mainly of UV/H2O2, Triple Effect Evaporator, and Photo Fenton, which took water samples from 30 days of treatment for water quality analysis to discuss the effects of treatment units and joint treatment procedures on COD removal rates in wastewater. This study showed that the UV/H2O2, Triple Effect Evaporator, and Photo-Fenton method had a COD removal rate of 16.45%, 83.35% and 88.23%, respectively. The UV/H2O2 combined with Triple Effect Evaporator method, Triple Effect Evaporator combined with Photo Fenton method, and UV/H2O2 with Triple effect evaporator and Photo Fenton processes for COD removal rate of 86.25%, 98.08% and 98.39%, respectively. The COD limit in wastewater in the Sanitary Sewer of industrial areas is 600 mg/L, and the results of this study show that UV/H2O2 combined with Triple Effect Evaporator processes is suitable for treating wastewater with a COD content in the wastewater is less than 3,700 mg/L, when the COD content in wastewater is greater than 13,700 mg/L using UV/H2O2 with Triple effect evaporator and Photo Fenton processes. |