2020年美國總統大選可謂歷來最受台灣人矚目的一次,因為主政以來的許多所謂挺臺舉動,川普不僅受到台灣執政當局的偏愛,許多民眾也不隱藏對川普的高度支持,台灣更是東亞地區唯一在美國大選中支持川普甚於拜登者。然而,所謂川普的挺臺,大多只是口惠而實不至,川普對台政策與之前歷任總統相比,嚴格的說是延續性遠大於變異性。何以台灣還會有這麼多人支持川普呢?原因無他,川普動輒使用歧視性與仇恨性言論挑撥、動員選民,從最根本上違反人人生而平等的普世價值,與台灣近年來日益升高的反中種族主義,是一拍即合的。與川普很類似,台灣許多人自詡的所謂自由民主、公平正義、進步價值,其實是他們最原始、黑暗、醜惡人性的遮羞布。對於此一推論,本文將透過網路問卷調查加以驗證。 The 2020 U.S. presidential election is the most concerned one among the Taiwanese. Because of those so-called pro-Taiwan moves after 2016, Trump are highly preferred by both Taiwanese ruling party and general public. Taiwan is the only one in East Asia who supports Trump over Biden. However, most of the so-called Trump's pro-Taiwan acts are only lip service, and Trump's policy toward Taiwan is, strictly speaking, largely a continuity rather than variability. Why could there be so many people in Taiwan support Trump? The answer is, Trump uses discriminatory and hateful rhetoric to provoke and mobilize voters. This is fundamentally contrary to the universal values of equality for all, and is in keeping with Taiwan's growing anti-China racism in recent years. Many in Taiwan proclaim to adhere the values of liberal democracy, fairness and justice, and progress, but this is in fact the shield of their most primitive, dark, ugly human nature. This article will verify this argument through an internet questionnaire.