近年來我國傢俱設計製作產業面臨了極大的挑戰與競爭壓力,產業外移、就業機會降低、商品競爭力薄弱等,身為一個投入在傢俱木工行業逾30年的木工職人,既知消費者對傢俱的要求提高,更想藉由研究深入探討消費者心中真正的需求,期望藉由科學的市場調查與分析將消費者的購買傢俱需求導引到傢俱木工業。 本研究擬藉由文獻探討(Literature Review)以及問卷調查法(Survey Method)以蒐集的量化資訊來分析影響消費者購買鳩尾榫接傢俱意願因素的滿意程度,以不同背景消費者的相關因素進行分析,研究結論如下:1.消費者對傢俱「箱體結構」採用鳩尾榫接喜好度有些許不同看法,但對於「貫穿鳩尾榫接」、「半隱鳩尾榫接」有比較高的評價。2.消費者對傢俱「抽屜結構」採用鳩尾榫接喜好度有些許不同看法,但對於「密集鳩尾榫接」、「一般鳩尾榫接」有比較高的評價。3.消費者對傢俱採用鳩尾榫接「角度比例」喜好度中對於「1:6比例」有一致性很高的評價。4.消費者對傢俱採用鳩尾榫接「材質顏色」喜好度有些不同看法,但對於「胡桃木材質」、「黃松木材質」有比較高的評價。5.消費者對傢俱採用鳩尾榫接「個數分配」喜好度中對於「1½T~2T個數分配」有一致性很高的評價。 The furniture design and production industry in Taiwan (R.O.C.) has been facing tremendous challenges and competitive pressures in the recent years, such as industrial relocation to the foreign regions, largely decreased in employment opportunities, and weakening of our product competitivities. Being a carpentry craftsman acknowledging the increasing concerns in quality from the consuming ends, who has been in this cabinet-making business for over 3-decades, would naturally have an inevitable needs to explore further into the customers' genuine demands and requests through researches, and introduce these results into the cabinet-making business via scientific marketing surveys and data analysis. The intention of this research is to understand the customers' satisfactory, and the factors affecting consuming willingness in purchasing furniture with Dovetail-Joints, through Literature Review and the analysis of quantitative information collected via Survey Method. The conclusions based on analyzing the relevant factors of consumers with different backgrounds are listed as follow: 1.Although consumers' preference varies in the usage of Dovetail Joints in furniture's “Cast Structure”, however furniture with “Through Dovetail Joints” and “Stopped or Half-Blind Dovetail Joints” gained relatively higher rating.2.Although consumers' preference varies in the usage of Dovetail Joints in furniture's “Drawer Structure”, however furniture with “Dense Dovetail Joints” and “General Dovetail Joints” gained relatively higher rating.3.Consumers generally have higher preference for dovetail joints with “1:6” in “Angle-Ratio”.4.Although consumers' preference varies in the“Material Colour” of Dovetail Joints, however furniture using “Walnut” and “Yellow-Pine” gained relatively higher rating.5.Consumers generally have higher preference for furniture with dovetail joints of “ 1½T~2T” in “Quantity Distribution”.