在研究者的小時候記憶裡,近親與熟識的長輩幾乎都是勞工階級。一大清早,工頭阿伯吆喝著隔壁柑仔店頭家:「來瓶『保力達B』加莎莎亞椰奶。」長大後,才知道「保力達B」在臺灣是個家喻戶曉的藥酒。一個偶然的契機下,看到其廣告,發覺廣告內容加上吳念真的「氣口」旁白,頗能感動受眾。然而,一個以不宣稱藥效的「保力達B」廣告,還能在藥酒銷售量獨占鰲頭,正是引起研究者欲要研究的動機。 研究者蒐集2010年至2021年的45支「保力達B」廣告,以立意抽樣的方式抽取10支有代表性的廣告,依據「USP」和「ESP」理論,並使用鏡頭、文本及聲音分析,來探討「保力達B」廣告。研究結果如下:一、早期的藥酒廣告皆以「滋陰補陽」為訴求。二、2010年後,「保力達B」廣告獨樹一格──不強調藥效。三、2010年後的「保力達B」廣告訴求獨特與情感。四、「保力達B」廣告具有獨特的吸引力和說服力。五、「保力達B」廣告具有親和力。六、「保力達B」廣告能表達消費者的心情。 As a child, the researchers remember that close relatives and acquaintances were almost all working class. One morning,foreman Abel shouted at the store :“come to bottle of “Paolyta-B” and sasaya coconut milk” When I grew up, I learned that “Paolyta-B” is a well-known liquor in Taiwan. When I saw the advertisement, I found that the content of the advertisement and Wu nian-zhen's “tone”narration still moved the consumers to read and listen to people. However, a “ Paolyta-B”advertisement, which does not claim efficacy,can also lead the sales of pharmaceutical liquor,which is the motivation for researchers to study. The researchers collected 45 “Paolyta-B” advertisements from 2010 to 2021, and selected 10 representative advertisements by means of intentional sampling. Based on USP and ESP theory,the author used lens, text and sound analysis to explore the “Paolyta-B” advertising. The results are as follows:1、 Early advertising of medicine and wine all take “nourishing yin and nourishing yang” as the demand.2、 After 2010, the “Paolyta-B”advertising has been a unique one - no emphasis on efficacy.3、 After 2010,the advertising appeal of “Paolyta-B”is unique and emotional.4、 “Paolyta-B” advertising has unique appeal and persuasion.5、 “Paolyta-B” advertising has affinity.6、 “Paolyta-B” advertising can express the mood of consumers.