發祥國小推動民族教育課程,至今已有五年的時間。歷程中,透過民族課教師不斷地田野調查,以及和耆老對話,發展出一套依循泰雅傳統文化歲時祭儀課程。 過去推動民族教育課程,授課對象大多是在地學生,因此大多都能順利推展。然而108學年度下學期,發祥國小轉來了一位都市來的漢族學生,這對民族教育老師說是難能可貴的機會,透過非泰雅族人來檢視民族課。 研究者認為,文化推動與傳承不該只侷限在自身族群,因此《我是泰雅族?》嘗試紀錄一個完全沒有接觸過泰雅文化背景的學生,來到泰雅族部落就學及參與在民族課程的過程。透過從旁的觀察與記錄,反思民族課程對於非族人的影響及效益,同時從中反思族人對於自身文化的認同。 It has been five years since Fa-Siyang Elementary School has promoted ethic education course. The teacher constantly conducts field research, talks with the elderly, and develops a set of ritual courses that follow the traditional Atayal culture. In the past, the students receiving ethnic education courses were of Atayal ethnicity, and there was not much difficulty. In the 108-school year, a student of Han ethnic group was transferred, so that the teacher could review the existing curriculum from a non-Atayal perspective. Researchers believe that cultural promotion and inheritance should not be limited to one's own ethnic group, so “Am I an Atayal?” try to record the process of a student who has not had any contact with Atayal culture and came to the Atayal tribe to study and participate in ethnic courses. Through filming documentaries, researchers reflect on the influence of ethnic courses on non-Atayal people, and at the same time reflect on Atayal people's identity with their own culture.