本文將「顧太清《東海漁歌》之花妍書寫」作為論題,藉此將顧太清之詞作做系統性之探討。花妍書寫為顧太清詞作中的一大特徵,《東海漁歌》共收太清詞作三百三十三闋詞,其中共有二百零六闋詞以花入文,筆者以此作為研究切入,詳論太清詞作中所書之花妍,以此理解眾花妍於詞人書寫時產生之生命對照。 本論文共分五章,第一章為緒論,用以說明論題之概述及其研究意義,再將相關論題回顧及研究進路,做出整理以及論述。第二章為詳述詞人生平及清代詞派影響,以此理解詞作內在抒發之情志、外在表現之風韻如何構成。將太清人生所遇及文壇的演進梳理後,即可至作品之中尋求對應,諸如詞作中展現之內在情感、外在景物描繪、詠花及提贊等作品內容,皆於第三章中將其分類後詳述,用以分析詞人所書詞作,以理解詞作之主題以及抒發。將題材內容分析完整後,便可切入其美學樣態,第四章以《文心雕龍》做為分析工具,把「花妍書寫」置入中國文學的美學視角,以此完整文章的藝術展現。第五章為結論,將上述章節做綜合性之總結。 In this study, the author systematized the poetries of Gu Tai-qing. Using flowers in the poetries is always a trait of Gu Tai-qing’s poetries. In East China Sea Fishermen Song, there were two hundred and six over three hundreds and thirty-three poetries used flowers. To comprehended the relationship between flowers and her life, the author analyzed the meaning of those flowers in her poetries. There’s five chapters in this study. Chapter 1 is about motivation of the study, literature review and introduction of the following chapters. To understand the meaning and style of Gu Tai-qing’s pieces, the author amply examined the life of Gu Tai-qing and the influence of poetry style in Qing dynasty in chapter 2. In the next chapter, the result showed that the internal poetries express her emotion and thought, and the external poetries present with the process of making the poetries’ style. After knowing the life story of Gu Tai-qing and the changing of poetry in Qing dynasty, meanings about the internal emotion of the poetries, the external description of scenery, poetries that wrote for friends, description of flowers become comprehensible. The author used The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons to analyze the aesthetics of Chinese literature in the flowers of East China Sea Fishermen Song in chapter 5.