摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解高雄地區的家長對幼兒學習音樂的動機與預期心理,並探討不同背景的家長對幼兒學習音樂的動機和預期心理有何顯著差異。研究方法採量化研究,以問卷為研究工具,採取抽樣方式,以高雄地區幾家音樂教室家長為研究對象。本研究共發放300份問卷,回收有效問卷254份,有效回收率為93.1%。根據回收問卷資料,使用SPSS(社會科學統計軟體,Statistical Program for Social Sciences)20.0版進行描述性分析、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t考驗等進行分析。 本論文內容共分五個章節,第一章為緒論,包含了研究背景與動機、研究範圍與限制、相關研究文獻回顧以及研究方法與目的和名詞釋義。第二章是幼兒教育的發展與現況之相關文獻探討,以幼兒音樂教育說明和台灣音樂班的現況及家長對幼兒學習音樂的相關研究。第三章為問卷調查之方法,包含研究架構與假設、研究對象與研究工具、研究實施程序及資料分析方法。第四章是研究結果與調查分析,包含了人口統計變數分析、信度分析、敘述統計分析和家長對幼兒學習音樂後成效之平均數差異分析檢定。第五章為結論,內容為研究結果的分析與討論和對幼兒家長、音樂教室及後續研究者之建議。 The purpose of this study were to explore the parents’ motivation and anticipation to children’s music learning and to explore the differences between different demographic variables. Questionnaires and sampling were applied in this quantitative study. The subject of this study were parents of music classroom in Kaohsiung. Among 300 questionnaires, 254 effective questionnaires were received. The effective response rate was 93.1%. The data were analysis by SPSS Statistics Software 20.0. Analysis of variance, independent sample test were applied for descriptive analyses. There were five chapters in this study. First is review introduction, including backgrounds, motivations, scope, limits, literature review, methods, purposes, and terms. Chapter 2 literature review of the development of the music classroom for early children in Taiwan, and the participation of parents. Chapter 3 methods of Study, including framework, hypotheses, subjects, tools, procedures, and analysis methods. Chapter 4 Study Results and Survey Analyses, including demographic variable analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, and T-test for difference between means of parents’ scores of children after learning music in music classroom. Chapter 5 Study Results, Conclusions, and Recommendations for parents, classroom owners, and future researchers. |