荀子所處的戰國後期,其戰爭之頻仍,已成為當代各家不得不面對之議題。不同於孔、孟等儒家先賢對於戰爭所言甚少,荀子有〈議兵〉一篇專論戰爭觀以及軍旅之事。而儒家之思想中以仁義為本,本著仁愛之關懷,自是期望當面對戰爭這一歷史事實時,能夠是「以有道伐無道」,只針對惡首個人而不造成大規模傷亡的這種形式出現,並且在戰後能迅速恢復政治上的穩定,即所謂「義戰」。 本文旨在探討荀子戰爭觀中「義戰」之內涵,由荀子所提出之「性惡論」、「禮義之道」,以及其政治思想做為出發點,以荀子〈議兵〉作為主要文本內容,加以釐清荀子之「義戰」觀念。並且藉由與孟子、墨子、韓非子等當代思想家之戰爭觀念之對比,更進一步凸顯荀子戰爭觀之特色。 During the late Warring States period when Xunzi was in, the frequency of wars has become an issue that all contemporary schools have to face. Unlike Confucian ancestors such as Confucianism and Mencius who said very little about warfare, Xunzi has an “Discussion Military Strategy and Tactics” devoted to the concept of war and military affairs. Confucianism is based on benevolence and justice, so hope that when facing the historical fact of war, is a form of just war, a war that only targets criminals without hurting the innocent. And quickly stabilized after the war. This is the so-called “Justice War”. This master's thesis explores Xunzi's concept of “Justice War”. According to Xunzi’s Theory of Human Nature and Political Thought, take “Discussion Military Strategy and Tactics” as the main content, probe into Xunzi's Concept of “Justice War”. And by comparing the war concepts of Mencius, Motzu, and Han Fei, highlight the special features of Xunzi's war theory.