《太乙金華宗旨》為道教丹道重要經典之一,經過德國衛禮賢及心理學家榮格經典之論述後,在中西交會上掀起一番熱潮,其譯本風行法、德、日、印各國,更為世人所重。《太乙金華宗旨》為道教內丹經書,其功理功法有不少獨創,與其他丹道修煉的丹經差別,在於功法上用的語詞簡易明暸,不像傳統丹經描述隱語晦言。本論文旨在探討修煉《太乙金華宗旨》之功法,對於此身心靈之見解,扣緊其修行原理、程序、層次。進一步,探討《太乙金華宗旨》修證的理論根據――身心不二、心氣不二和性命雙修上。再者關於其修證次第,從百日築基、十月懷胎、周天到修行圓成等修行次第,以期能詳細探討其中修行的奧秘與目的。 “TaiYiJinHua Purpose” is one of the important alchemical classics of Taoist. It was introduced by Richard Wilhelm and it became popular with his translation which elaborated by psychologist C.G. Jung. It had more impact when translating into French, German, Japanese and Hindi. “TaiYiJinHua Purpose” is an inner alchemical classic of Taoist in which there were a lot of original theories and practices. Unlike the traditional alchemical classic of Taoist, it was unique because of its simple and clear wordings instead of using obscure words to depict how to practice. This thesis aims to explore the practices which were written in ”TaiYiJinHua Purpose”, sticking to its theories, procedures and levels to gain the insights of body mind and soul. And further explore the theoretical basis of ”TaiYiJinHua Purpose” non-duality of body and mind, non-duality of citta-prana, and dual cultivation of human nature and life. In addition, it found out in details about the mystery and the purpos of the practice from the perspective of stages of the cultivation such as One Hundred Days Skill of 'Laying the Foundation', the so-called embryo when spirit and breath-energy are finally united and the thoughts are quiet and immobile, and turning in a circle around oneself till the elixir is completed.