摘要: | 背景及目的:隨著現代人科技的進步,社會變遷步調加快,緊張、繁忙的生活模式裡,現代人除了每天都得面對不同壓力,且還需長時間維持不良肢體動作,造成肩頸痠痛。肩頸痠痛進而影響個人的情緒,導致個人長期處在焦慮狀態並影響睡眠品質。肩頸痠痛、焦慮和睡眠品質問題是須要被重視與探討的議題。故本研究亦透過結合芳香療法與穴位按摩改善成年女性之肩頸痠痛、焦慮狀態以及睡眠品質。 研究對象及方法:本研究主要招募30位年齡20歲以上並患有肩頸痠痛3-6個月之成年女性,採前後測隨機對照試驗設計,根據預先編排之隨機分派表,依招募順序隨機將受試者分派至實驗組(迷迭香、薰衣草、玫瑰天竺葵複方精油,精油組) 15位與對照組(荷荷芭油,基礎油組)15位。實驗組與對照組同樣針對穴位按摩(百會穴、翳風穴、風池穴、大椎穴、肩井穴、肩外俞穴),每個穴位按摩3分鐘,全程按摩時間大約20至25分鐘左右,實驗全程連續執行4週,每週2次,共8次,實驗組於每個月之單週執行實驗,對照組於每個月之雙週執行實驗。在評量工具方面,本研究採用匹茲堡量睡眠品質量表(PSQI)、貝克焦慮量表(BAI)以及疼痛視覺類比表(P-VAS),於實驗開始前評量一次以及實驗結束後評量一次,共兩次的評估。從中探討芳香療法結合穴位按摩位對於肩頸痠痛、焦慮狀態以及睡眠品質的改善成效。 結果與結論:研究結果顯示實驗組與對照組在經過每週2次每次通過精油(實驗組)或基礎油(對照組)結合穴位按摩手法進行20至25分鐘介入後,實驗組與對照組在降低疼痛感受、改善焦慮狀態及改善睡眠品質方面同樣達到顯著效果,但兩組之間沒有達到顯著差異。研究者推測荷荷芭基礎油組(對照組)能夠達到跟精油組(實驗組)同樣的效果,主要和荷荷芭基礎油原本就具有的生物性有關,且兩組都能達到降低疼痛感受、改善焦慮狀態及改善睡眠品質,主要還是穴位按摩在研究中起到重要的效果。 BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: With the high technology and modern life at the moment, people’s living in a tense, busy and aggressive world. In the tense and busy life mode, people used to maintain a bad posture which causes shoulder & neck pain. Shoulder & neck pain will affect the individual’s emotions resulting in anxiety and bad sleep quality. Shoulder & neck pain, anxiety, and bad sleep quality should be emphasized and discussed. This study will examine the combination of aromatherapy with acupoint massage to improve the shoulder and neck pain, anxiety, and sleep quality of adult women. DESIGN & METHODS: This study recruited 30 persons aged 20 years of age or higher with shoulder & neck pain 3 to 6 months of adult women, the randomized controlled trial design will apply to this study to measure the result before and after. This study randomly assigned 30 persons into 2 groups which are 15 people in the experimental group (rosemary, lavender, pelargonium roseum, considered essential oil group) and 15 people in the control group (jojoba oil, considered massage oil group). Apply the same acupoint massage (Baihui Du-20, Yifeng SJ-17, Fengchi Gb-20, Dazhui Du-14, Jianjing Gb-21, Jianwaishu Sl-14) in the Experimental group and control group with each 3 minutes massage for each acupoint, the process is about 20 to 25 minutes for 4 weeks. In terms of assessment tools, the Pittsburgh Quantitative Sleep Quality Scale (PSQI), Beck Anxiety Scale (BAI), and visual analogue scale of pain (P-VAS) were used in this study, which was assessed once before the study and once after the study. To explore the effects of aromatherapy combined with acupoint massage on shoulder and neck pain, anxiety, and sleep quality. CONCLUSIONS: To sum up briefly, the experimental group (essential oil group) and the control group(massage oil group) intervened by the combination of aromatherapy with acupoint massage after 2 times per week and 20 to 25 minutes, with the result that after the intervened both groups are achieved the goal that reduced the pain, improved the anxiety and the sleep quality with a significant difference, but that doesn’t have the significant difference between experimental group and control group. In view of these facts, it is quite likely that the influence of the original biological of the jojoba massage oil. In summary, both groups achieved pain reduction, anxiety, and sleep quality improvement with a significant difference, I am believed that the acupoint massage is the important key point in this study. |