2021年8月,美國終於從阿富汗撤軍,結束長達20年的戰爭。美軍在倉皇中撤退,大量阿富汗人爭相攀上美軍運輸機,甚至從起飛後飛機上墜落的畫面,震撼世界。面對美軍在阿富汗局勢未穩就撤退,以及撤退時的慌亂,許多人想起1975年美國從越南撤退的景象,深感美國的不可靠。相對的,也有許多人對美國充滿信心,認為越南與阿富汗都是自己不爭氣,美國從阿富汗撤退,其實代表美國更會堅定支持台灣。究竟,對於美國的不信任與信任,是從何而來? 本文主張,對美國是否有信心,其實對中國厭惡程度的反應,對於此一推論,本文將透過網路問卷調查加以驗證。 In August 2021, the United States withdrew its troops from the war, ending a 20-year war. The U.S. retreated in Chicago after World War II, from the U.S. International Airport where a U.S. traffic transport plane crashed. When the United States retreated, it said that it would not be open to the public, and that it would retreat without a certainty when it was retreating. Many people were chaotic when they retreated, showing a chaotic era, a deep American view, and some people's full confidence in the United States. It is the United States that has failed to live up to its expectations, and chose to retreat from the United States, but instead supported Taiwan more firmly. This manuscript, whether there is confidence in the response of the United States, for this push, this article will compare the differences through online surveys.