台灣近十年在少子化的浪潮中,高等教育之門大開,過去成績不好,沒機會讀大學的學生,現在也進入了大學之門。本研究的源起,就是研究者在私立大學任教時,發現許多學生學習動機薄弱、學習焦慮感強、學習能力和表現也不佳,連帶也影響了他們的人際關係,常有陷入憂鬱或沉迷於網路遊戲的情況。因此,本研究想要探索透過融入「成長心態」核心概念進入專業課程教法的創新,藉由社區參與式學習,學生學習效能和成效能否提升?如何改變?本研究關注的焦點有以下兩個方面:一、透過以關懷為中心的教育態度為背景,文化回應教學為教材教法基礎,學習心態轉化為核心理念,社區參與式學習為學習活動,學習動機提升、學習成果優良為目標的課程設計和實施,是否能使大學生產生正面的學習經驗?二、大學生的學習效能和學習成果,可否透過新的課程學習經驗加以提升?本研究採取混合研究作為研究方法,兼顧量化和質性資料的搜集和分析,資料蒐集的方法包括「南華大學學生學習效能量表」、焦點團體訪談、學生成長敍事以及教師的教學省思、教師意見調查。研究結果指出針對過去學習表現不佳的大學生,創造關懷的學習氛微、提供與場域互動的實務經驗,可有效提升學生的學習動機和表現。 Issues regarding college students’ learning achievement and performance has drawn much attention nowadays. Because of the dramatic decrease in birth rate in the past decades, universities are forced to lower their requirements in order to survive. As a result, many college students demonstrate low motivation to learn and consequently, poor academic performance. In order to transform college students’ motivation to learn and reduce their learning anxiety, this study experimented a new course design. The course was designed based on a caring-centered and culturally responsive teaching pedagogy, including community-engaged learning. The goal of this course focused on students’ mindset transformation and learning self-efficacy improvement. Research data were collected from focus group, student learning portfolios, and self-narratives. Mixed method was utilized in data analysis. The study results showed that students’ mindset could be transformed through interventions and low-performing students’ engagement to learn could improve through community-engaged learning .