旅遊產品具有無形性、生產與消費同時發生等特性,消費者難以事先觀察、比較產品的優劣,因此消費者常藉由旅遊產品之意象來進行評估與決策。故在旅遊過程中,消費者的體驗會與先前的意象進行比較,而決定其對產品之滿意度,並進而影響其未來的行爲意圖。本文主要在探討大學生遊學產品意象、知覺價值、滿意度與購後行爲意圖間之關係,依回顧之文獻建立研究之關係架構,利用網路問卷的方式對有海外遊學經驗之大學生調查,回收有效樣本363份,以線性結構方程模型分析上述變項間之關係。研究結果發現:遊學產品意象會正向影響知覺價值,並透過知覺價值間接影響消費者的購後行爲意圖;而知覺價值可作爲滿意度之前因。 Due to the characteristics of intangibility and inseparability of tourism products, consumers couldn't investigate and compare the products in advance. Therefore, consumers usually value the products and make decision through the products' images. In turn, product images will then influence consumers' perceived value, satisfaction and post-purchase behavioral intentions. This study investigated the relationship among image, perceived value, satisfaction, and post-purchase behavioral intentions. We collected samples from university students who have had the experience of joining study tours abroad through an internet questionnaire survey, and obtained 363 effective samples. SEM was applied to analyze the conceptual relationship model based upon the relative literature. The main findings of the study showed that image is a direct antecedent of perceived value; and subsequently will influence post-purchase behavioral intentions indirectly. Perceived value is a direct antecedent of satisfaction.