目的:藉由西醫簡明疲憊量表與中醫體質量表等評量工具,探討癌症患者中醫體質類型與癌因性疲憊之相關性,以瞭解癌症病人中醫體質及改善其癌因性疲憊之參考。方法:本研究以佛教大林慈濟綜合醫院中醫腫瘤科門診107位癌症病人為收案對象,有效問卷為102份,有效回收率為95.3%。問卷內容包括由北京中醫藥大學教授王琦等所制定的中醫體質量表(TheConstitutioninChineseMedicineQuestionnair;CCMQ)。美國安德森癌症中心發展的簡明疲憊量表(BriefFatigueInventory;BFI)為評量癌因性疲憊的常用問卷。結果:有41.2%的腫瘤病人屬於中重度疲憊型;氣虛質與陽虛質等兩種偏頗體質跟癌因性疲憊呈統計上顯著的相關(p<0.001、p<0.001)。因此氣虛質與陽虛質可以說是發展成癌因性疲憊症的危險體質。其中氣虛體質的疲憊勝算比是非氣虛體質的1.99倍。結論:傳統中醫調理為癌症輔助治療重要的一環,本研究說明西醫使用之疲憊量表與中醫體質類型判定結果具有顯著之關聯性,研究結果可作為中西醫整合改善癌症患者疲憊不適之參考。 Aim: To examine the relationship between constitution in Chinese medicine questionnaire(CCMQ)and Brief Fatigue Inventory-Taiwan Form(BFI-T)in cancer patients with cancer-related fatigue .Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed and subjects were recruited from a Chinese medicine oncology clinic of a Metropolitan teaching hospital .The study subjects competed interview questionnaires of standardized constitution in Chinese medicine questionnaire (CCMQ) and Brief Fatigue Inventory-Taiwan Form(BFI-T). Result:The study showed 41.2 % subjects had moderate to severe fatigue, and there was a statistic significant association between Qi-deficiency type, Yang- deficiency type and BFI-Taiwan Form. Furthermore, the odd ratio between Qi-deficiency type and non Qi-deficiency type was 1.99. Conclusions and recommendations: Due to cancer disease itself and the treatment may cause discomfort to produce fatigue. However, cancer fatigue is a subjective feelings and exist an inevitable differences in perception between patient and doctor treatment strategies, therefore, this study shows there is a positive relationship between CCMQ and BFI-T. Moreover, Qideficiency type was independently associated with cancer fatigue in among 9 BC types. The result can be used to improve the cancer fatigue treatment in cancer patients.