「國家與市場」是一門與經濟知識相關的通識課程。筆者在教學設計中,秉持寓教於樂的精神,嘗試將撲克牌遊戲帶入課程,以教室為經濟理論的實驗室,將偏好、選擇、機會成本等重要經濟觀念,融入到設計好的撲克牌遊戲活動中,學生透過遊戲的過程中,逐步體會這些經濟學的基本理念,並應用到市場交換與全球化經濟的意涵。實驗結果顯示遊戲普遍能夠引發學生的課堂參與,提升學生的學習動機與思考,對學習成效展現正面的助益。 “States and Markets” is a general education course about economic knowledge. I believe that edutainment is a worth trying method for my teaching jobs. For this reason, I took poker-card games into “States and Markets” course design. By using the course as an experiment, I attempt to elaborate some important economic concepts such as preference, choice, opportunity cost for the students in class by the pre-designed card games. The students could not only get across these concepts but also apply them to our real-life societies. They could understand the relation of market exchange and the economic globalization from the activities. The results of the experiment show that game-based teaching boosts students' class participation and motivates their learnings. In general, it brought positive effects on learning outcomes.