洪棄生一生五度航海往返臺灣與中國大陸,在當時的航海技術渡過素有「黑水溝」之稱的台灣海峽是一場以生命為賭注的冒險,但洪棄生所有的航海之行是個人的理想所驅使。前四次是清領時期前往福州參加舉人鄉試,追求的是仕途的理想;第五次是日治時期壯遊神州,是抱著遺民的理想而行。航海的目的不同,面對所見所思也會有所差異。本文透過洪棄生的42首航海詩進行分析,探討他早期身為海外國民的洪棄生,在渡海航行尋求功名時的心態,與晚年以遺民的心態,探訪祖國的眷念之情的比較。 Hung Qi-Sheng sailed to and from Taiwan and mainland China five times in his life. At that time, crossing the Taiwan Strait, known as the “black water ditch”, was a life-threatening adventure, but all of Hung Qi-Sheng's voyages were personal ideals. The first four times were during the Qing Dynasty when he went to Fuzhou to participate the Imperial examination, and the pursuit was the ideal of an official career; the fifth time was the Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule, when he traveled to grand tour China, and set out with the ideal former follower. The purpose of sailing is different, and what you see and think will also be different. Based on the analysis of 42 nautical poems of Hong Qisheng, this paper discusses the comparison between Hung Qi-sheng's mentality when he was an overseas national in his early days when he was sailing across the sea in pursuit of fame, and the mentality of visiting the motherland in his later years with the mentality of a remnant.