在數位科技衝擊下,新聞產製流程產生翻天覆地的變化。傳統新聞媒體在廣告經費大量流失之後,縮減報紙張數、裁員之聲此起彼落,傳統新聞媒體人新聞創業呼聲應運而生。離開傳統新聞媒體保護傘的新聞從業人員,面臨那些新聞創業的挑戰?本研究針對從傳統新聞媒體轉戰網路媒體創業的12 位新聞工作者進行一對一的深度訪談,發現大多數的受訪者之所以踏入網路新聞創業之路,多是時勢所逼,當他們踏入網路媒體之後,發現新聞寫作及產製方式截然不同,為了點閱率、廣告收入等,網路新聞運作翻轉了過往所服膺的新聞專業意理;此外,資金招募不易,大多數的轉業新聞工作者只能小本經營,在實際執行新聞創業實務層面,新聞創業者面臨捉襟見肘的困境。 With the advent of digital technology, the production procedure of news has been overwhelmingly changing. As the advertisement revenue shrinks, the traditional news media have no choice but lay off employees (e.g., journalists) in order to save the cost. To cope with this situation, the ex-journalists, based on the entrepreneurial journalism concept, engage in their independent news media business on the Internet. The main
purpose of this research is, therefore, to elicit what challenges are supposed to be as media reporters start their new business by way of the approach of entrepreneurial journalism. Twelve news reporters, unemployed by traditional media and then starting new business life of entrepreneurial journalism, are recruited to participate in this one-on-one in-depth interview for data collection. The findings of this study show that most participants of this study, due to click through rate (CTR) and commercial income, have to engage in journalism entrepreneurship and adapt themselves to “new” styles of media ideologies and news writing. Participant giving their attention to journalism entrepreneurship cannot expand the scope of their business because it is hard to recruit cash.