摘要: | 本計畫希望透過數位教材構建社會實踐課程之知識⾯學習,開發具有永續內涵的社會實踐課程。因為疫情關係無法出國,故選定嘉義縣布袋鎮及東⽯鄉為場域,依照「知識、觀察、問題、策略、實踐」的學習程序,引導學⽣觀察臨海區域所遭遇到的全球環境變遷議題後,透過設計思考聚焦問題後,提出並實施⾏動⽅案。109-2學期開設「全球環境變遷與永續發展」(2學分)通識課程,召開三次課程說明會後,招募到15位有意願參與的學⽣。課程共有8⼩時的數位學習單元,建構基本知識,學⽣經過場域踏查及訪談後,透過設計思考提出號召淨岸的⾏動⽅案,並建立及測試淨岸的各項標準程序。學⽣設計⽅案發起「嘉聯⼤淨灘團」網路召募活動,另招募嘉義縣跨校20名⼤學⽣,共同⾄北港溪東⽯堤防淨岸。團隊於2⼩時,清出約2605公⽄垃圾、漂流⽊,也透過此次活動建立活動發起及⼈⼯清理標準程序,知識化後可繼續傳承。課程設計「移地教學及社會實踐學習成效評估」、「數位學習成效評估問卷」,以評量學⽣學習成效。研究結果顯⽰,學⽣對:服務社會的使命感、我相信應該做⼀些事情改變社會具有顯著差異。本課程之教學意⾒調查為5.00分 (滿分5分),學⽣反映良好。 This study is focused on the social practice with sustainable actions. The students will follow the processes of knowledge, observation, issue, project and practice. Based on the epidemic, the students could not go out of Taiwan for the ex-situ learning, so that, the sites might switch to the coastal area of Chiayi county. The effects of global environmental change could be observed in the Dongshi Township and Budai Township. The purposes of this study are to explore the learning process of communication, cooperation, coordination and autonomous learning of these students; to analyze the reflection, social care and learning effectiveness of student service learning. This study was followed the course of “Global Environmental Change and Sustainable Development”(2 credits). After recruitment orientations, fifteen students joined this study. In the knowledge stage, the students got the environmental knowledge from the digital units on the Moodle system before the social practice. After field trips and interview the stakeholder, the students built action plan by the five steps of design thinking: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test. The “Water-shore Cleanup of Chiayi Youth” project was built in the course. The students created the standard operation procedure of water-shore clean and recruitment. They recruited another 20 university students for the water-shore cleanup of Beigang River. In two hour of the action, drift wood and trash were cleaned with 2,605 kg. The “Social Care and Social Practice Interactive Learning Questionnaire" and “E-learning Questionnaire” were applied to assess students' learning effectiveness in the service learning course. The “sense of mission for social service” and “I believe can do something make the social better” were significant different. The average of Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire of this course in the end of 109-2 semester was 5.00 (total score is 5). |