幾千年來道家養生觀對中華養生文化的影響十分深遠。養生學在中醫的醫藥學上是不容小覷,而養生文化與醫學的關係是互為其要,研究道家對中醫養生思想的影響,是促進養生醫學發展的典範。 探討了道家養生耆宿孫思邈,以親身體驗道家養生的精隨,融入中醫養生概念,概述了道家養生思想,從主動養生、法於自然、和於陰陽、天道貴嗇、恬淡寡欲、形神共養等幾個方面,論述了道家養生思想和中醫養生思想的相關性,並提出了導引、吐納、節欲、飲食、服餌等適合現代的養生方法。 本文主要是以孫思邈本人所著作《備急千金要方》和《千金翼方》這兩本書為依據來闡釋道家之養生觀。兩部《千金方》凝結了孫思邈的畢生之研,並參考相關典籍以及前人研究成果等資料。 內容架構是先由醫論的探究再到臨床的實際運用,先探討然後實行之次第依序的予以論述。最後就中醫養生發展發表了自己的一些觀點,深入研究了中醫學以及道家注重與情志方面的養生思想,以期能緩解現代人因生活節奏過快及壓力所帶來的心理疾病、新冠疫情、老人醫學等問題,帶來一線生機。 For thousands of years, Taoist health preservation philosophy has been casting profound influence on Chinese health preservation exercise.Science of health maintenance has played a vital part in traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy. The culture of life cultivation is interconnected closely with Chinese medicine. The study of Taoist health maintenance philosophy will promote the paradigmic development of health maintenance science. The great master of Chinese health maintenance science Sun Si miao, by integrating his personal experience of health maintenance with orthodoxical Chinese medicine, developed a unique health maintenance system.The key ways Master Sun Si miao proposed are: self-pushed health maintenance; following the law of Nature; being in harmony with the ying-yang principle; restraining from outward pursuits; indifference to secular desires; reposing the body and the spirit, all of which expounding the interconnection between Taoist health maintenance and traditional Chinese medicine. Master Sun also put forward ways still practical for the modern world, such as inducing and conducting Chi, expiration and inspiration, abstinence, taking alchemical medicine,etc. My dissertation is a study of Taoist health maintenance, based on the two masterpieces by Sun Si miao: “Qianjin Fang” and “Qianjin Yifang.” Master Sun's two masterpieces are essences of his life-long experiences and studies, with reference to former master Chinese medicine practitioners and Chinese medicine classics. My dissertation starts with the researches of orthodoxical theories, followed by detailed analyses of clinical practices, so that clear views may be made and checked.After thorough researches into the Taoist health maintenance philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy, I finally presented my own perspectives on the development and new trends of health maintenance of traditional Chinese medicine. I hope my study will help alleviate psychological disorders caused by tension and stress in the modern world. Furthermore, I hope my study will offer new ways of health maintenance to relieve Covid-19-related symptoms. Finally I hope my study will bring new light to Geriatrics.