由於國際企業理論主要以個體廠商作為分析對象,而賽局理論即是以個體之決策行為為基礎,探討決策個體在互動之下,均衡時參與賽局者的策略選擇為何。因此本研究以賽局理論為分析基礎,進行不同海外直接投資理論間之比較及命題推理。本研究採二國、二廠商之動態賽局,分析發現廠商海外直接投資 (foreign direst investment, FDI)決策和內部化理論假設相符,即公司本身專屬優勢、市場完全與否將影響廠商FDI行為。此外,OLI(ownership-location-internalization)理論的當地市場需求與生產要素之假設條件,也是解釋廠商FDI活動的重要因素。而在考慮動態環境下廠商之互動關係後,則會出現傳統內部化理論無法解釋的FDI現象,此時,若以網絡理論觀點作分析,將可對中小企業海外直接投資發生原因作出較合理解釋。因此由分析結果,本研究建議,在漸形複雜、動態與決策相依的國際經營環境中,為使國際企業之研究命題發展或企業決策能更嚴謹與正確,採用賽局理論作為分析與決策工具將是可行方法之一。 The analyzed unit in international business mainly focuses on organization behavior, which corresponds to game theory that analysis is based on interactive individual decision making. The purpose of present study is to compare the differences among various foreign direst investment (FDI) theories and develop research propositions by using game theory. The game in this study is assumed as two countries and two firms mode. The results showed that firms' FDI decisions were supported by internalization theory, that is, the firm-specific advantage and level of market completeness were associated with behavior of firms' FDI action. The variable of location advantages from OLI (ownership-location-internalization) theory is robust to explain firms' FDI decision. As mentioned here, the viewpoint of network theory is helpful to delineate the unaccountable phenomenon that firm made FDI decision without specific advantage when the dynamic interaction between firms is considered. The global environments is getting complicated and interactive, our research finding demonstrated that the studies of international business have to investigate rigorously with more precise instrument, and the game theory would be the useful tool to obtain it.