對於心理幸福所做的研究很多,不過,筆者還沒看到以臺灣各縣市中發展最落後的台東縣國中生為對象進行的研究。本研究根據2005年「台東縣教育長期資料庫」之國中二年級學生與家長普查資料做路徑分析,目的在探討台東地區國二學生的背景變項透過社會網絡及學業成績對其心理幸福影響之因果機制。研究結果顯示:一,學生心理幸福主要受到社會網絡,而非家庭社經地位與學業成績影響。二,在心理幸福受到社會網絡影響方面,心理幸福主要受到學校人際關係,而非家庭關係的影響。三,在心理幸福受到學校人際關係影響方面,主要受到同儕關係而非師生關係的影響。 There are many studies exploring psychological well-being, but we have not seen any studies for junor high school students in Taitung where it is the lowest development in Taiwan. We adopt the data of Taitung Educational Panel Survey in 2005 for the eighth graders and their parents, and explore the mechanism background of the eighth graders in Taitung influencing the psychological well-being through social network and academic performance by path analysis. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The psychological well-being was mainly influenced by social network rather than by family socioeconomic status and academic performance. 2. In terms of the psychological well-being influenced by social network, the psychological well-being was mainly influenced by interpersonal relationship at school rather than by family relationship. 3. In terms of the psychological well-being influenced by interpersonal relationship at school, the psychological well-being was mainly influenced by peer relationship rather than by teacher-student relationship.